Monday, April 11, 2011

Is That Really You, God?
Hearing the Voice of God
The Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Story

Written by Loren Cunningham, with Janice Rogers

Chapter 1
- Hearing God is not all that difficult. If we know the Lord, we have already heard His voice - after all, it was the inner leading that brought us to Him in the first place. But we can hear His voice once and still miss His best, if we don't keep on listening. After the WHAT of guidance comes the WHEN and the HOW.
- We only have one lifetime; don't wait to obey God's voice later, do it now!

Chapter 2
- To do the work of God efficiently, we must be hearing Him with clarity.
- Guidance, the "inner voice", is sometimes quite audible, at other times more of an impression that comes fully formed to the mind. God also speaks through scripture, and through dreams and visions.
- The high purpose of guidance is to tell people about Jesus. It was an urgent command from Jesus himself. The Great Commission is the key. If God did, in fact, commission individuals to the task of going everywhere telling people the Good News, then He would surely guide them.
- The sin of independance is trying to live life without God's guidance. Even if you're doing "His work"!
- Learning to hear the voice of God and obeying -- circumstances will not affect us. It's an adventure with God!
- Include others, especially your spouse and children, in doing God's work and in the process of learning to listen to God. Children are never too young.
- Hearing God's voice in everyday happenings -- Monday through Saturday -- is much more important that just hearing God in church on Sundays!
- When in despair, don't explode even though it might be serious. Pray FIRST, before trying to solve it yourself. Ask God for guidance and help! Depend on Him, not yourself- !
- After asking God, wait for Him to reply! Expect Him to reply! And when He does, believe it, act and obey it! Faith = action! Don't lose hope, don't give up at the first challenge, don't doubt, keep trusting.
- Everyday experiences with God and depending on Him is a school in learning to trust God, and learning His principles.
Ps. 86:11 - Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.
- Pray with perseverance, and keep praying even if you don't see the results yet.
- Test ALL "words from God" from others, ask to hear from God yourself; He WILL speak to you if it's for you! Do not reject it outright, consider it and ask God.
- Is that you, God? I promise to try to accept this man's words if they are really from You. Just let me know, that's all I ask.
- Fully expect God to answer in a fatherly-like manner, with no shadow of doubt. Then leave it to God to answer.
- God speaks through dreams!
- Getting God's leading for someone else is tricky. We can hear a confirming voice through another person. But if God has something important to tell you He will speak to you directly.
- What kind of family inheritance do you want to leave behind? Worldly riches and wealth, or heavenly riches and wealth?